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    王世忠 2022-10-29 16:58:10

    1. In this factory, suggestions often have to wait for months before they are fully _____.

    A. admitted

    B. acknowledged

    C. absorbed

    D. considered

    2. The boy slipped out of the room and headed for the swimming pool without his parents' _____.

    A. command

    B. conviction

    C. consent

    D. compromise

    3. Our research has focused on a drug which is so _____ as to be able to change brain chemistry.

    A. powerful B. influential

    C. monstrous D. vigorous

    4. The lost car of the Lees was found _____ in the woods off the highway.

    A. vanished B. abandoned

    C. scattered D. rejected

    5. Henry's news report covering the conference was so _____ that nothing had been omitted.

    A. understanding

    B. comprehensible

    C. comprehensive

    D. understandable

    6. She was afraid that unless the train speeded up she would lose her _____ to Scotland.

    A. ticket B. place

    C. seat D. connection

    7. The ship was _____ in a storm off Jamaica.

    A. drowned B. sunk

    C. wrecked D. submitted

    8. No one has _____ been able to trace the author of the poem.

    A. still B. yet C. already D. just

    9. More than one-third of the Chinese in the United States live in California, _____ in San Francisco.

    A. previously B. predominantly

    C practically D. permanently

    10. The new secretary has written a remarkably _____ report only in a few pages but with all the details.

    A. concise B. clear

    C. precise D. elaborate

    11. The managing director took the _____ for the accident, although it was not really his fault.

    A. guilt B. charge

    C. blame D. accusation

    12. The worker agreed to _____ the strike if the company would satisfy their demands.

    A. call for B. call forth

    C. call off D. call up

    13. I could just see a car in the distance, but I couldn't _____ what color it was.

    A. look out B. make out

    C. get across D. take after

    14. He has impressed his employers considerably and _____ he is soon to be promoted.

    A. eventually B. yet

    C. finally D. accordingly

    15. It was a great _____ for him to be pleasant to people he didn't like.

    A. attempt B. trouble

    C. power D. effort

    16. The firemen managed to _____ the fire in time.

    A. extinguish B. prevent

    C. suppress D. ruin

    17. What is most obvious in this book are all those details of daily living which make Mrs. Richard _____ common.

    A. nothing but B. anything but

    C. above all D. rather than

    18. The car was completely _____ and the driver seriously injured.

    A. broken off B. taken off

    C. written off D. picked up

    19. On this happy occasion, I'd like to say that we are _____ much obliged to you for your kind cooperation.

    A. even so B. ever so

    C. as yet D. so far

    20. His new appointment takes _____ from the beginning of next month.

    A. place B. effect

    C. post D. office

